Saturday, October 7, 2023

Health Coordinator - Afghanistan

Job location: Kabul Afghanistan
Closing date: 31 Oct 2023

We are looking for Health Coordinator to Kabul, Afghanistan, in cooperation with the IFRC. The position is for 1 year with a possibility to extend for 1 additional year. Start date is negotiable, but preferably as soon as possible.


The Health Development Coordinator is responsible for strengthening ARCS capacities and footprint in designing and implementing health programmes, both public health and primary health care, and through technical support as well as strategic advice. The Health Coordinator has overall responsibility of the planning, execution, monitoring, quality assurance, evaluation and reporting of health programmes while ensuring effective coordination and partnership with Movement and non-Movement actors in support to ARCS. The Health Coordinator reports to Program Coordinator with technical report to AP Head of Health Unit.

Duties and responsibilities
Provide technical advice in matters of clinical and public health needs and implementation as part of long-term programming and emergency response management and ensure links to relevant IFRC structures.
Take a strategic approach to health intervention design to successfully plan for and integrating approach and sustainable.
Lead in developing program concepts and proposals towards scaling up efforts in this field including advocacy, humanitarian diplomacy, and communication approaches to needs and issues and in close coordination with ARCS, the plan of action developed from the project proposal to be implemented in timely manner and approved budget.
Lead on health in emergencies activities and coordination in support to ARCS and with a view to strengthen ARCS capabilities. Facilitate ARCS collaboration and coordination with the Ministry of Public Health and UN clusters to ensure that ARCS health program adheres to national health standards, structures, and concepts in Afghanistan.
Ensure close collaboration and coordination within IFRC program and operations within Afghanistan Delegation and responsible for efficient and coherent approach to ARCS program support.
Ensure effective working relationships and coordination with Afghan Red Crescent Society counterparts as well as Movement Approach in Afghanistan – ICRC, ARCS, and the International Federation, including Regional AP and Geneva.
Support and facilitate ARCS in liaising regularly with authorities, UN agencies and other respective stakeholders and to attend national and regional health/WASH and other relevant networks/Clusters.
Support the ARCS to coordinate, plan and develop an integrated program approach between Health and Care programs and with relevant ARCS units such as Organizational Development, Disaster Management, Youth and Volunteering, PMER and Gender and highlight humanitarian values in its service delivery.
Support, assist and advise project team and ARCS management in developing project concepts and proposals; managing resources, budgets, and projects; managing people and teams; managing quality including evidence-based approaches to decision making, evaluations and reporting, and continual improvement processes.
Support the ARCS to plan, manage, implement, and further develop its basic curative and preventive health programs, based on the ARCS health strategy and the IFRC annual plan project activities for clinics, mobile Health Teams (MHTs), CBHFA, CCBHI including WASH and reproductive health; HIV & AIDS and VNRBD in a harmonized and coordinated manner with the ICRC and the movement.
Support the design and implementation of a coherent, integrated and coordinated health program plan and strategy in conformity with the ARCS and Federation strategies and frameworks, the operational plans and recommendations outlined in various program review reports.
Mainstream a gender-sensitive approach and gender minimum standards across Health programmes cycle.
Working closely with Quality and Accountability Unit to Mainstream Community Engagement and Accountability (CEA) across Health programmes cycle. Feedback mechanism are established and responded in timely manners.
Assist ARCS in ensuring programmatic integrating of nutrition and MHPSS components into the Primary Health Care service delivery and liaise with MoH and key stakeholders on capacity building and establishing referral pathways.
Assist the ARCS to identify humanitarian health need gaps through collection and analysis of data for improvement and development of community-based health interventions programming.
Assess and analyze trends, emerging needs, and conditions in Afghanistan for Federation involvement in the health sector (particularly in the contexts of emergency, public and community health) and, accordingly, advise on the development of ARCS health programs development support.
Identify challenges, obstacles, and difficulties affecting the operations and effectiveness of programs and activities, suggest solutions to solve these problems, and work with ARCS Management, Counterparts and Head of Country Office as needed to install and implement these solutions.
Monitor program/s on effectiveness, especially for meeting (and adapting to) the needs of people, expectations and capacities of ARCS and partners to deliver.
Encourage the ARCS to ensure community awareness of the differing roles, responsibilities, resources and priorities of women and men and uphold their consideration in all stages of program development and execution.
Develop ARCS health team management capacities through the Federation tools, concepts and training opportunities utilizing AP Region and Geneva resources as well as external. Internal JD Template
Assume a supportive role in the development and implementation of the Planning, Monitoring, Evaluation and Reporting functions within Health and Care program concerning both IFRC office and ARCS.
Manage the health budget, expenditure and procurement with the delegation health, finance/admin, and logistics teams, monitor the implementation and ensure the timely and efficient financial reporting and assume responsibility and accountability for the program financials as budget holder.
Ensure the production of regular, timely and accurate narrative and financial reports for the IFRC and donors.
Standardize and capitalize community health best practices and lessons learnt with the technical support from Geneva and Asia Pacific Regional Office

Required experience:
10 + years of experience with minimum of 5 years of managing and motivating teams
University degree in Public Health / Epidemiology/Medical /Nursing/Other health
Responding to epidemics, health crisis and emergency response
Managing and integrating projects and people within a specialist area
Planning and managing finances and budgets
Working in both emergencies and developmental contexts in an international organization
NS capacity building in preparedness, response and recovery

Knowledge and skills:
Ability to prioritize, work well under pressure and meet deadlines, able to achieve results through collaboration/team work
Able to strategically plan for community health and first aid initiatives
Strong communication and interpersonal skills, able to negotiate while maintaining effective working relations
Ability to adapt and adjust to change, take extra miles to accomplished work task
Ability to work well in a multicultural team and in a changing environment
Ability to manage and motivate teams
Good representation and facilitation skills
Computer skills: Windows, Word Processing, PowerPoint, Excel. (spreadsheet and database application) + Ability to use video conferencing application i.e., Microsoft Teams, Zoom etc.
Ability to be flexible to work in pressurized working environments e.g., disaster affected areas

Fluently spoken and written English
Good command of another IFRC official language (French, Spanish or Arabic) is preferred but not required

How to apply
Apply by sending your application to: (email is available to subscribers only)

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