Thursday, December 5, 2019

Medical Officer (Mobile Medical Team) , South Sudan

Employer: World Health Organization
Location: South Sudan

Objectives Of The Function: 
As part of the strategy to strengthen emergency response capacity, an international consultant will be
engaged for six months to support mobile medical team in responding to disease outbreaks and other public health event, and increase the organization’s profile in frontline emergency response activities.

Specifically, the main objectives of the consultancy are:

a) Strengthening emergency
response and preparedness activities to reduce mortality, morbidity especially
due to the impact of outbreaks and or public health emergencies

b) Advising national actors on
public health issues related to emergency response

c) Liaising with other sectors
in providing a public health response in emergencies and outbreaks

d) Providing technical public
health input for strategic planning, project management and reporting

Description Of Duties: 

The consultant will perform the following tasks:

a) Provide overall leadership
and strategic guidance on the operations of the WHO emergency mobile medical
teams and rapid response teams in priority areas.

b) Carry out early detection of
acute public health events; verification and risk assessment, monitoring; and
information sharing on events that may constitute a public health emergency of
international concern.

c) Conduct emergency
epidemiological field risk-assessment missions as required; prompt deployment
to locations of suspected disease outbreaks or acute events of public health

d) Conduct rapid health
assessments and apply the existing strategies and guidelines to ensure the
quality and usefulness of the assessments

e) Provide capacity building
and training to colleagues within MoH and key partners with focus on enhancing
epidemiology and information management

f) Participate in coordination
meetings with all relevant partners and emergency management team, to stay
informed of all emergency events across the country and respond as appropriate

g) Participate in inter-cluster
coordination meetings to stay informed of emergency events and providing
appropriate response, and providing updates on matters related to WHO mandates

h) Support proposals
development, submission, implementation and reporting of donor funded projects

i) Participate in mobile
medical missions to provide life-saving
essential services in priority areas; provide technical guidance on all aspects
of case management of epidemic prone diseases

j) Contribute to the
development of appropriate country information products

k) Enforce universal infection
prevention and control safety precautions

l) Perform any other related
incident-specific duties as assigned by the immediate supervisor


MMT deployed to priority counties to provide the
essential health services in the context of the humanitarian needs
MMT deployed to conduct rapid outbreak
investigation, risk assessment and to provide essential response during
outbreaks and acute health events (20 deployments)
MMT deployed to support rapid response team in
areas with suspected outbreaks.
MMT deployed to support reactive vaccination
campaigns in response to common infectious diseases outbreaks like measles
Suspected outbreaks and alerts investigated, risk
assessment and health status assessment missions conducted
Health workers trained on disease surveillance,
case management of common epidemic prone diseases, and IPC

Required Qualifications: 


Essential: Medical degree from an accredited university

Desirable: Professional qualification in advanced epidemiology
and Public Health


Minimum 5 years’ of clinical practice experience
At least one year experience of working in
disease outbreak response and managing mobile medical teams
Relevant experiences
in managing public health emergencies
Experience working in
humanitarian emergencies in South Sudan
Relevant work experience in WHO, other UN
agencies, health cluster partners or recognized humanitarian organizations

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